WESTPOLE Benelux will be guest at “Leave your mark” event by TriFinance. Bart Donné, General Manager, will share his recipe to success!
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This is where we reveal and elaborate on company milestones, scoops, events & projects.
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WESTPOLE and Technobel| Teaming up for a job operation in the IT sector
WESTPOLE is partner with Technobel, provider of job seekers with training in IT. Massimo Moggi and Bart Donné are special guests at the first meeting
WESTPOLE Benelux is Silver Partner at ICT Spring 2020 in Luxemburg. CEO Massimo Moggi spoke about Artificial Intelligence: see his speech!
WESTPOLE Benelux – Press Release
LIVIA Group acquires major part of the Professional Solutions business of IRIS Group (a Canon company). The new entity will be a European landmark on Digital Platforms, Cloud and Managed Services, operating under the WESTPOLE brand which will employ 600 people in Italy, Belgium and Luxembourg.
Application Performance Management: improving results in 5 steps
Application Performance Management (APM) is the performance monitoring of a company’s software portfolio. The variables that …
Modernizing the IT infrastructure: 5 reasons not to postpone
The IT infrastructure performance issue, which is raised by hardware and software equipment that is obsolete or …
Digital collaboration how to best implement it?
Digital Collaboration is the new collaboration frontier, which organizations have been conforming to in recent years…